Mindfulness & MBSR

Mindfulness and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) offer perspectives and approaches that help us be more aware and present to respond to life’s stressors in ways that best support us and those around us.

The definition of mindfulness can be a great tool in understanding the intentions of MBSR and other mindfulness-based programs:

“Mindfulness is the awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” Jon Kabat-Zinn

MBSR is designed to cultivate each participant’s discovery of their own inner resources and strategies to cope with stress in everyday life, such as work, school, relationships, stages of life, finances, health issues, etc. The foundations are awareness, kindness, curiosity and compassion.

To learn more about mindfulness and mindfulness programs contact us: Info@InsightInstituteLLC.com

Click links below to learn more about mindfulness and MBSR, or check out the “Research” tab:

MBSR Overview:

University of California San Diego: https://cih.ucsd.edu/mindfulness/mindfulness-based-stress-reduction-mbsr-program

Brown University: https://www.brown.edu/public-health/mindfulness/ideas/mbsr-mindfulness-based-stress-reduction

MBSR Course Overview: https://medschool.ucsd.edu/som/fmph/research/mindfulness/programs/mindfulness-programs/MBSR-programs/Pages/about.aspx



8-Week Live Program – Online

A research-based 8-week experiential program to build inner skills for handling stress and building resilience, developed at the UMass Medical School Stress Reduction Clinic in 1979. Cultivates the participant’s inner resources and strategies to be less impacted by stress and to build resilience, with key foundations of awareness, curiosity & compassion. Many consider this the ‘gold standard’ in mindfulness training.